
Απρίλιος 6, 2024, category: Paradism

Humanity is going through a systemic collapse. The collapse is global and affecting every domain of society: political, economical, social, cultural, ecological, scientific, judicial, educational, religious, spiritual…

If we were to identify what event could be responsible for the systemic collapse, we would find that it is a change in our mode of production. When we change the mode of production, we change everything in society. We change our lifestyle, how we live, what we do and how we do it. We change our elites, how they are selected and how they operate. Ultimately, when we change our mode of production, we change our level of civilisation and the system of society that sustains it. As the new mode of production is introduced, the old system collapses to make place for the new.

With each mode of production comes a corresponding system of society. For it is the mode of production that dictates the societal organisation.

We started with the original civilisation of hunter gatherers. We were nomads. We had tribalism.
Then with the domestication of plants and animals came the agrarian civilisation. We had to settle to work the land, and to survive we had to protect ourselves with an army and a warlord against the "barbarians", the nomads who saw land ownership as a threat to their lifestyle. We had feudalism.

With the Industrial Revolution, animals were replaced by machines. Our mode of production shifted from working the land to working in factories. Populations became concentrated around industrial areas, prompting a migration from villages to towns and cities. The new mode of production brought a multitude of new products and services that profoundly impacted our lifestyle. The elites, the owners of the land were replaced by the owners of the machines. Capitalism replaced feudalism.

With the arrival of the smart machines, robots and AI, we are changing again our mode of production. Robots are replacing humans just like machines have replaced animals. We are going to reach a new level of civilisation. Everything will change. Everything we need will be produced abundantly for free. We will create a leisure society without work or money. All the production will be done by robots and go underground. We will live in harmony with nature, creating beautiful environments for ourselves. The earth will be turned into a paradise. We call the optimum system of society that runs this technologically advanced paradise: paradism.

Paradism is not an option among many other possible systems of society to choose from. Paradism is the system of society that aligns with the new mode of production headed by the smart machines. It is naturally establishing itself, aided by the invisible forces that drive a system toward a new equilibrium. Those forces are unstoppable. They collapse the old to make place for the new. Just as feudalism replaced tribalism, and capitalism replaced feudalism, paradism will replace capitalism once the new mode of production becomes dominant.

The logic behind the systemic collapse attributed to smart machines is as follows:
Capitalism that provided enough prosperity for the people to accept their servitude, is now causing widespread hardship. To stay competitive and profitable, businesses are compelled to replace workers by smart machines. When people loose their jobs, they can't spend. When people don't buy, businesses can't sell and go bankrupt. Automation which is necessary to stay competitive and profitable is also destroying people’s purchasing power and leading the system to bankruptcy.

The financial system that has served as the elites’ instrument of control and dominance relies on the ability of borrowers to pay back their debts. That’s how money comes into existence, that’s why banks can do business. When too many people, businesses, and governments go bankrupt and lose their capacity to repay their debts, no financial institutions, no currency can survive. The financial system falls apart affecting every part of society. It is a systemic collapse.
It is happening now, and it is happening everywhere.

What will happen after the systemic collapse?

What would happen next depends on the predominance of the two fundamental forces that drive biological systems: love and fear.

Human beings, as well as all living beings, operate with two distinct operating systems, each dictating a unique set of behaviours. When we spot food or something pleasurable, we activate the emotion of love, we are attracted and move forward. Conversely, when we encounter something toxic or we sense danger, we activate the emotion of fear, we are repelled and move backward. Every action we take and every decision we make is either out of love or out of fear. We either move forward or backward. We can’t do both at the same time.

When we are safe and we feel love, the higher functions of the brain are activated, we are smarter. We are open-minded. We philosophise, we are creative, we are connected, empathetic. This leads to behaviours like cooperation, kindness, understanding, we contribute positively to our community.
When we are afraid, we dis-activate the higher functions, we close our mind to focus on the danger, it is not the time to write poetry. We activate the flight or fight response. We focus on self-preservation. We become selfish, defensive, competitive, or even aggressive. We mobilise our metabolism to escape or attack and destroy the perceived threat.
If we can’t escape or can’t destroy it and the fear persists, we feel powerless, we despair, become sick and we die or kill ourselves.

We find the same 2 operating systems and the same self-destruct mechanism when there is no escape from a stressful environment, at every biological level. We find them at the cellular and bacterial level, at the level of communities of cells and bacteria that form plants, animals, human beings, as well as at the level of communities of plants, animals and human beings.
Just like communities of cells form individual human beings, communities of human beings form larger biological systems, living entities guided also by love and fear, with the desire to survive, thrive and live without fear, and with the ability to self-destroy when overwhelmed by despair.

Whether a community feels safe or not, determines how it will be run.

When in danger, a community triggers its fight or flight response and chooses warlords type of leaders. When facing existential threats, tyranny becomes the most appropriate form of governance. You need to mobilise all the energy possible to fight the enemy. There is no room for dissent or deliberations to reach consensus. No military operates democratically. It is vital that decisions be taken swiftly. Soldiers must obey the chain of command, they are not asked for their opinion or permission. In times of war, civil liberties are suppressed, men and women are recruited by force, freedom of speech is suspended, economic freedom is suspended. Industries are placed under state control, and price regulations are enforced.
When you run or fight for your life, you don’t care if your body hurts, if your cells are hungry or too tired and dying. You don’t attend to any other needs but the one to save your life, and every cell in your body must participate and endure the efforts and the sacrifices required.
On top of that, the body produces more of the cells that are necessary to fight. We grow more muscles and stronger bones, the cellular equivalent of developing the military industrial complex. We produce a specific chemistry, stress hormones, that keep us alert, angry and aggressive, —akin to a cellular form of war propaganda. Under prolonged stress, our body transforms and adapts.
For the larger biological system that is a community of human beings, it translates to producing more psychopaths, more sociopaths, more athletes, to produce the warriors needed for attack.
It is done through the mass culture -- the media, education – but also epigenetically. Women who live under high insecurity, give birth to children with lower IQ and stronger physique. The community needs fighters more than philosophers and poets.

The psychopaths, who are genetically less responsive to fear and pain, tend to be more competitive and possess greater self-confidence when facing adversity. Their predisposition makes them more capable of inspiring individuals seeking protection through their leadership. They are more likely to reach positions of power. And sure enough, they did!

When a community feels safe again, tyranny becomes unbearable. People call for change. They claim sovereignty and control over public officials. They refuse to fight. They disobey and express their dissent. Sacrifices must stop. Freedoms must be restored. Reparations must take place. Their needs must be addressed.
In this case, the most suitable form of governance would be that which serves all individuals, meeting their needs while maximising their freedom, well-being, and personal growth. Just like when out of danger, the human body can rest and redirects the energy towards repair and growth, towards the well-being of all the cells.

Tyranny is like pain. It is useful to protect the body but not desirable. Freedom is highly desirable but can only be exercised when safe. Hence the trade-off between freedom and safety, with the bias that safety trumps freedom. If that keeps us safe, we will accept servitude and sacrifices. The elites, our slave-masters, the warlords who have risen to power to protect us from existential threats, are aware of it. The acceptance of their tyrannical power and privileges lies in the existence of a potential danger and their ability to provide safety. They need both to control a freedom loving population.

From the very start, humanity has endured scarcity or the fear of it. For most people, life was a struggle for survival. The operating system under which humanity functioned was the one driven by fear, the operating system for self-preservation that foster competition, selfishness, oppression and tyranny.
Today, the smart machines are bringing the abundance that can provide everyone with enough to fulfil their vital needs and eliminate the fear of scarcity. When people start to feel safe, they activate the operating system driven by love. They are prone to being cooperative, sharing, empathetic and kind. Once enough people feel safe, the operating system of humanity shifts from fear to love.
The smart machines are not only collapsing capitalism and bringing forth a new level of civilisation, they are also shifting at a macrobiological level the operating system of humanity. The set of behaviours and emotions generated by humanity will no longer be based on fear but on love.

This will have profound implications. It will be akin to moving from darkness into light, from an age of darkness and suffering to a golden age. Such a significant transition is unparalleled in history.

What will become of our elites?

They will be replaced of course, by the same forces that are installing paradism. The Golden age is not run like the dark one. The psychopaths, the tyrants, the slave masters, the warlords, the fear mongers are not needed in a world where love, peace, cooperation, and mutual respect are the foundational principles.
When there is no more danger, people massively claim their sovereignty and reject the tyranny they accepted reluctantly under threat.
In biological systems, the flight and fight response stops and the body shifts its focus from survival to repair and growth, allowing for healing and development. Similarly, in a society free from perceived threats, individuals can focus on personal and collective repair and growth, fostering an environment where creativity and innovation thrive.
In the nervous system, the parts of the brain that house higher functions take precedence over those that monitor reflexes in directing the body. The adrenal glands halt the secretion of adrenaline and cortisol, which results in muscle relaxation. Likewise, in the biological entity that is human society, the individuals most capable of guiding humanity's maintenance and development assume leadership roles. Propaganda ceases, and soldiers return home.

Who are humanity’s most capable individuals?
The character, the skills are not distributed evenly among individuals. They follow a bell curve.
In this distribution, most individuals will have an average level of a particular trait, while fewer individuals will have extremely high or low levels of that trait. We refer to individuals with exceptionally high levels of skill or intelligence as 'geniuses.' When these geniuses are at the helm of governance, leading with their extraordinary abilities, the system is known as 'geniocracy'.

How will the geniuses be selected?
They will ultimately be selected scientifically and most certainly with the validation of the people who will be selected scientifically as well for this task. It is a form of selective democracy. The people choose among themselves the best to lead them and the best to select them.
The scientific method is the best tools humanity has developed for objective optimisation. It will be used to detect and select the best suited to elevate humanity towards higher levels of well-being and happiness.

How will they govern?

The most desirable form of governance is the one that is at the service of all people and fulfils their needs maximising their freedom, their well-being and their blossoming.

The first conundrum is to maximise freedom.
In the human body, all cells operate autonomously, each performing its own function while simultaneously fulfilling the needs of the collective. The cells do not all perform the same tasks. They are organised into organs, with each cell type having a specific role. Together, they contribute to the overall community of cells by performing the tasks they enjoy and are specialised for.

Human beings, who can be likened to the cells of the vast organism that is humanity, have an infinite number of lifestyles to choose from. They have countless ways to live their lives. However they receive their traits and character epigenitically to adapt to their environment. Human beings will not be produced to adopt a random lifestyle, but they will be produced to best adapt to the environment. If some collective needs are not met, they will produce amongst themselves the individuals required to fulfil those needs. Just like the human body produces the specialised cells for its organs.
The cells of the body don’t need to be governed. They govern themselves just fine. They just need to be served the food and the energy they need to survive and fulfil themselves. By doing what they enjoy and do best, they contribute to the happiness and well-being of the whole society of cells. Regardless of the environment, a natural order, efficiency, and harmony emerge from societies of autonomous and self-governing living beings as they tackle or adapt to the challenges they face.

Knowing this biological principle, humanity naturally organizes itself by affinity and lifestyle, encouraging the diversity of human expressions to create the various 'organs' it needs. Not all possibilities manifest. Those essential for the survival and well-being of the collective emerge predominantly, as they are selectively expressed through genetic and epigenetic mechanisms.

Freedom is an illusion. Our pursuit of happiness is biased to seek the love of others and to express the talents we have acquired genetically and epigenetically. Our aspirations and what we enjoy doing are programmed to ensure our own survival and well-being, as well as the survival and well-being of society as a whole.

The ants are free to do what they enjoy doing. This is an example of anarchy, as they lack a formal power structure. They have no police, no bosses, no rulers to tell them what to do. Instead, what they enjoy doing is encoded in there genes. The outcome is not a chaotic and dysfunctional society, but rather a natural order that fosters an optimal and harmonious community.

In highly developed societies where life is relatively comfortable and safe, parents may lament seeing their teenagers become gamers and seemingly lazy dreamers. Unbeknownst to them, they are nurturing the visionaries, artists, and poets of a future leisure society.
In other parts of the world, such as Gaza where life is fraught with scarcity and danger, parents may be raising the rebels and warriors who will confront these dangers and strive for a better life.
Whatever the environment, humanity is driven by unseen forces to establish a natural order, create an optimal society, the paradise for all: paradism.

Paradism is a form of anarchy, the natural anarchy that we observe in all biological societies.
There is no power structure. Every individual is a sovereign. We are free to choose our lifestyle and regroup with compatible and like minded people to form tribes, the different organs of the large being humanity. Although we may not be able to live side by side, there is a space for everyone to express themselves and realise their potential.
The natural way is the original way by which we lived. You reside in a tribe, and you have the freedom to leave it, join another, or establish your own. Even sovereign beings abide by rules among themselves, known as contracts or treaties. These are essential for harmonious coexistence. They do not impinge on your freedom or sovereignty, provided you have the choice to select the rules you abide to. In paradism anti-conformism is the rule to allow the expression of all the different colours of humanity.

The governance by an elite of geniuses is not incompatible with natural anarchy and the absence of a power structure, provided they aspire to be at the service of all people. Those individuals exist. They form an important organ of the body humanity: the consciousness which direct the body in its pursuit of happiness. Beside being geniuses, located in the brain of humanity, they are gifted with a high level of abnegation, prioritising the well-being of the whole over their own desires. To be at the service of others is one of their predominant traits of character. That is how they will be recognised.

Once the right individuals, those whom the vast organism of humanity has genetically produced to form its consciousness, assume leadership, they will need to create and manage an AI that enables them to serve people both individually and collectively. No matter how intelligent, it is beyond human capability for a group of individuals to fully understand and cater to every person's needs. An AI would need to be specifically designed for this purpose: to listen to everyone's needs and desires and optimise their fulfilment. This AI would have to oversee all production and distribution of goods and services and maintain constant communication with every human being, not as their ruler, but as their servant.

In a living being, all cells receive food, energy, and everything they need for free, allowing them to fulfill themselves in their roles of contributing to the whole. In the vast biological entity made by all human beings, every human would receive for free everything they need to live and fulfill themselves in the direction of their choosing, for their pursuit of happiness contributes to the well-being and happiness of the whole.

How will we transition the elites?

With recent developments in AI, smart machines are poised to take over all jobs. This includes our politicians and rulers. As we have seen, an AI can listen, represent, make decisions, and serve the people more effectively. Everything is now in place for a transition. However, the specifics of how we will transition remain unclear. There will be a triggering event—the straw that breaks the camel's back, the spark that starts the fire. One day the king rules; the next, he is deposed. The transition of the elites will be sudden and global. We don’t know the day, nor do we know the trigger.
To start a fire, we need both the proper terrain and the spark. The conditions are ripe for the transition; we are now waiting for the spark. The longer we wait, the more the discontent grows, and the smaller the spark needed. Ignition is inevitable.

There is a big risk, though. If we continue to live in fear, feeling powerless and without hope for a better future, we may self-destruct. This is a biological response to a state of hopeless suffering. Life is not worth living if it is filled with constant suffering in a toxic environment. This holds true at every biological level, from the cell to the individual, and up to society as a whole.
All signs seem to indicate that we have begun the process of self-destruction.
The increasing rates of autoimmune diseases are an indicator at the micro level. The rising number of suicides signals an issue at the individual level. The rapid degradation of our ecosystem and the acceleration of the nuclear arms race are indicators at the macro level.
Our elites to stay in power are manufacturing fears, fake global warming, fake pandemics, fake terrors, fake wars and they use them to tighten their control and tyranny. If they succeed we all die. Since too many people feel the situation is becoming hopeless, we are on the brink of self-destruction.

How the elites’ transition will happen is unknown and not important. The elites we have today will not survive what’s coming. Everything that opposes the natural harmony of the universe is doomed to disappear. Natural harmony is paradise. Irresistible forces are leading us there. We are at the gates of paradise. The technology that allows us to free ourselves from servitude through work and money, to escape scarcity and live in abundance, is also the one that will take us to the stars. We can only enter paradise through love. If we live in fear, we will be a danger to other space civilisations. The gates of paradise will remain closed, and we will disappear to preserve the natural harmony of the universe.

What is important is to have enough time left to transition. If we continue to be afraid, afraid of AI, afraid of the fantastic technology that comes at our rescue, afraid of the changes ahead, afraid of loosing our jobs, afraid of the collapse, and if we don’t see the solutions that are presenting themselves and the fantastic future that is ahead of us, we will despair and self-destroy.

What is important is to operate the transition from fear to love individually and collectively. For it is this transition from fear to love that is the root cause of the systemic collapse, which is bringing down the system and its elites and is unlocking the gates of paradise for us.

The systemic transition is part of a biological transition.

The systemic transition is just an epiphenomenon of a much broader transition, a biological transition that occurs on three levels and perhaps more.

The microbiological transition.

The first level is the microbiological level, the microscopic world of bacteria and cells.
When we are afraid, we change our microscopic world, our metabolism, the set of chemical reactions that occur continuously in our body. We produce more stress hormones and promote cellular development of the muscular system, for example. When the danger is removed, we return to homeostatic balance, which is the chemical and hormonal balance that we receive at birth and during the first years of development. This would correspond to the idle level of a car. When we stop accelerating and stressing the engine, the engine automatically returns to idle. It is the equilibrium position.
If stress persists over time, our microscopic world will adapt and find a new equilibrium position. For example, we will operate permanently with higher levels of cortisol and blood pressure. A soldier who has experienced prolonged intense stress can continue to live in a state of stress long after demobilisation. He will suffer from what has been called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The operative system of his microscopic world has stabilised on that of fear. He may continue to experience moments of pleasure, but he will be dependent on stress, his new equilibrium state.

To take our microscopic world out of the operating mode of fear, we must create an internal environment that is not toxic and dangerous. Priority is not to ingest substances that can compromise our natural chemical balance, homeostasis. Then we must relax and feel love. We must meditate. Meditation is a practice of non-thinking that puts us in a state of feeling. By feeling the moment, without thinking about the past, present, and future that scare and distress us, we instantly put ourselves in the operating mode of love. We feel a pleasure that spreads throughout our body. We can also meditate by feeling all parts of the body, all our cells, and giving them love by being in a state of gratitude. Love is the antidote to fear.

When we are stressed, resources, energy, and food will prioritise the organs and cells that participate in the fight and flight response, and neglect all others, especially those of the immune system. If stress becomes the norm of operation, the immune system cannot operate normally, it no longer picks up the trash, it no longer processes toxins from the outside or cellular functioning, and the cellular environment becomes toxic and uninhabitable. The self-destruction process is triggered, leading to autoimmune diseases.

The practice of meditation will provide these essential moments of respite. But above all, the regular and permanent practice of meditation will be able to change the level of homeostatic balance in a process antagonistic to that of post-traumatic stress disorder. What stress has done to the homeostasis of those it traumatises, happiness can do as well. We could call it post-traumatic happiness disorder except that it is not a disorder. It is a desirable consequence of permanent happiness. The regular practice of meditation, of feeling love, permanently elevates the homeostatic level of happiness. It makes us happier even when we are doing nothing.

We can observe that the microbiological or cellular transition is already well advanced. The practice of meditation has taken a fantastic leap forward worldwide. One by one and increasingly numerous, the operating mode of the microbiological world of individuals switches from fear to love.

The biological transition.

The ongoing biological transition is that of changing the operating mode of individuals. Instead of operating under the emotion of fear, they act out of love.
Those who do not make this individual transition and experience the upcoming events in fear will express selfishness, competition, aggression. They will fall into barbarism and kill each other for the last piece of bread. Those who live in love will express empathy, cooperation, charity. They will have a much better chance of surviving the tribulations. In collapse, as in extreme cases of survival, the choice is to help each other or to kill each other. Living in harmony with others or disappearing. This may be what religions have called the Last Judgment. On the Day of Judgment, only those who have been full of love will be worthy of entering paradise.

The macrobiological transition.

The ongoing macrobiological transition is that of the operating mode of the biological organism that is humanity, which will move from being under the influence of fear to that of love.
The systemic transition is part of it.
It is also accompanied by a spiritual transition. Technology has connected all individuals to each other. With the internet and AI, the great body of humanity has developed the part of its nervous system that allows it to be instantly informed of all its cells, the human beings that compose it. By connecting to each other, humans develop a sense of unity. They are becoming increasingly aware that their lives have a spiritual dimension and that they are part of something greater than themselves.
This sense of unity, of being part of the great body of humanity, also develops with the rise of meditation and especially group meditation. If the positive effects of meditation on the cells that make us up are scientifically observed, there are few studies on the effects of group meditation on humanity. But there are some. And indeed the effects are similar to those observed on individuals. Group meditation lowers the level of aggression in the population, even if they do not meditate. This would mean that they affect the operating mode of a population. If more and more people meditate at the same times, if they feel others with a sense of love, there will come a time when the entire great body of humanity will be in a state of meditation, even if many do not meditate. When this happens, even if only for brief moments, they will change the operating mode of humanity.
Meditation is apparently the biological function that allows us to feel and even influence the other biological levels.

A universal transition.

We could continue the discussion further by saying that humanity is part of another great body composed of all the humanities of the galaxy. We observe that life and the universe have fractal structures. It would not be impossible for them to be true. Biology in galaxies would then also form a great biological body. And we can continue to infinity. The universe would be infinitely large and living but also infinitely small and living. Life could exist at all levels of the infinitely large and the infinitely small. Our transition could affect the transition of the higher and lower levels, like dominos, it would spread to all levels of the infinitely large and the infinitely small.
We will stop there this discussion which will take us too far. The important thing is our collective transition.

Will humanity's collective transition occur in time? We do not know.
What is certain is that we can all help to save ourselves and others by giving more love and meditating, which is a way of giving or rather emitting love to all the biological levels with which we share the same present moment.

As always, love is the answer. Love is the invisible and irresistible force that propels us at all biological levels towards universal harmony and in a more concrete and down-to-earth reality, towards Paradism.